
A Munchkin Born Every Minute: Where is Dorothy when you need her?

A Munchkin Born Every Minute: Where is Dorothy When we need her?

“Liberty is not the same thing as equality, and those who call themselves liberals are far more interested in equalizing than in liberating their fellows.”― Roger Scruton, Liberty and Civilization To be sure, it is human nature to always want to protect oneself and friends and family from the unknown dangers of this world. Violence and poverty being the two main concerns. Much of our life is concerned with those two problems and how to prevent them. […]

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With Points of Dispute in Society: Who Decides the Resolution?

With Points Of Dispute in society: Who Decides the Resolution?

If one generation fails to preserve liberty, subsequent generations will find themselves faced with a formidable struggle on two fronts. First, it will be difficult to restore liberty in and through political institutions, and, second, it will be challenging to combat the malaise of a society that has come to accept an impoverished understanding of it.[i] For many people, the whole idea of having any socio-political system outside of the current modern American legal system

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Where Have Our "Rights" Gone?

Where Have Our “Rights” Gone?

Where Have Our “Rights” Gone?[i] A read through history shows us the truth of what happens when those in power have an agenda other than what law, order and duty require of their service.[ii] Yet the average American does not seem to mind. Perhaps that is because people have been conditioned since childhood[iii] to accept the current social order handed down to us by the power elite in Washington[iv] and their various tentacles of control.[v]

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When Fools Rule and Civilizations End

When Fools Rule and Civilizations End: What Will Come After?

It’s an old story; one told by the history books for those with time and desire to read. When there is no longer a transcendent purpose in the hearts and minds of the average citizen, those who make it to the top are generally not the best nor the brightest but either the most cunning or the most easily controlled by the power behind the throne.[i] Even in the ancient Roman world this was true

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Statesman orApex Predators?

Statesmen or Apex Predators?

There is a total void of “leadership” in Washington. There is no “Biden.” Just Team Biden: a corporate combo featuring low-rent messengers such as de facto neocon Little Blinkie. They do what they’re told by wealthy “donors” and the financial-military interests that really run the show, reciting the same old cliché-saturated lines day after day, bit players in a Theatre of Absurd.[i] We are ruled by men and women of power that essentially believe in

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